User Comments

geminithoughts August 22, 2021

Such a clever and entertaining piece, makes me want to become an insufferable apple watch wearer now too lol

geminithoughts May 8, 2021

@fightofyourlife  A little education and understanding would help clear this issue, instead of just dismissing. Hypothetically if this situation happened to you the other way around where you didn't realise you were offending the other party. Would you rather they keep dismissing you , or peacefully discuss with you why you're upsetting and offending them? :)

geminithoughts May 8, 2021

@cat Just like there are those that find it offensive , there are those who don't also, yes I understand that. There are people who ask this question that aren't asking to be rude or apply insult or offense intentionally. This is general curiosity, sure it can be framed better in some semantics. I'm sure if anyone was offended by this question they could educate the party on how they perceived it. I don't think people genuinely go around trying to offend people in this case, maybe they don't have the awareness or understanding. With that, benefit of the doubt take it as a lesson to explain how it makes you feel. I just hate the fact that people aren't trying to be offensive, it all comes down to understanding, and here would be an opportunity to discuss that

geminithoughts May 6, 2021

I'm sorry you feel that way when asked that question surrounding ethnic background. I'm also of mixed ethnic background and would have to disagree with you to some degree. I like to think of the intention when asked this question, and I would say majority of this is curiousity. Do you not yourself want to share the joys of another's family history and cultural experiences? something to embrace with a  multicultural society

geminithoughts November 9, 2020

@rush I've recently attended my first thermie demo party and I would say that the main take away to your question would be the thermomix does it all e.g chopping , mixing,kneading without you having to stand there and manually do it all for example when cooking risotto in a thermo you don't have to stand and mix ,the thermo will ding out to you when steps are done so you can go do what you need and come back without worrying about food burning . Also for a blender , ice cream mixer and whipping pancakes you'd need three different appliances, the thermomix is one machine replacing like 10

geminithoughts October 28, 2020

This is so practical and aesthetic , I love everything about the place!

geminithoughts October 17, 2020

Dining out more than 4x a week
Not looking/worrying about the price of menu items
Having all available streaming services
PE Nation, Jaggad and Lorna Jane active wear
Topping up with premium petrol all the time