User Comments

douwanna? February 16, 2024

I relate with this article so much it made me cry.
I spoke to my parents regularly about how a will can destroy families. Be explicit, and if there is something they feel very strongly about, leave no room for interpretation.

Then my dad died. The day we 'celebrated' his life, mine evaporated. Mum was my hero, but within 24 hours I was erased by everyone. If our paths ever cross, they look straight through me. I have NO idea what abhorrent story is being told that everyone believes is true. I don't think my heart will ever feel whole again.

douwanna? February 15, 2024

Re-brand MMOL or Mamamia? I have never separated MMOL from Mamamia. I didn’t give the ‘blue(ness)’ of the tile any thought. I never associated your MMOL tile th Mamamia brand is pink and the font is akin to Comic Sans…… HOLD UP, wait a minute. Everyone go and have a cup of tea (and toast). Come back to this later,

douwanna? January 26, 2024

Thank you for actually reporting this. It has been kept under wraps from the 'mainstream' news platforms because of the damage to their reputation, keeping him on air for years, with full knowledge of his alcoholism and domestic abuse. They allowed him to broadcast ON AIR intoxicated and did nothing. Why? Because it hadn't reached the audience yet.

douwanna? February 14, 2023

If I could have a re-do, it would be the spray tan. When I was ‘figuratively’ walking down the aisle my husband turned to our friend and said “I didn’t know I was marrying KamaI”. He was joking (badly), but it hurts. We eloped to New York & I met the sprayer one or two days prior to the wedding. I looked nothing like myself & the make-up artist was working with a skin tone that was not my own.

douwanna? December 27, 2022

I have opened each link to a new tab & will be promptly checking out all the things you are wearing, using, smelling...
I don't know why, but I feel "proud" of you Holly [Please note, the inverted commas were intentional] You Go LADY!

douwanna? October 24, 2022

Boris has got a case of the “You need me, I am TRiUMPhant!” I wonder who else is in the WhatsApp group chat? Boris, Trump, …

douwanna? September 15, 2022

Interestingly, the subs episode about how we feel to be described as a DIVA, has some irony(?) in that the diagnosis questionnaire for ADHD is titled 'DIVA'.

I did not have ADHD as a kid, so the DIVA did not lead to an ADHD diagnosis. However, I have an amazing psychiatrist who believed me when I said "But all of these questions are describing who I am NOW".
She sent me to have some comprehensive and indisputable brain scans. They revealed images that led to my diagnosis of ADHD.

Except for my immediate family, I don't tell anyone that I have it. I hate it when one of those people tells someone I have it.
I HATE picking up my medication.
Even worse when I have mismanaged the dosage or can't find my medication.
I really hate myself when that happens.

I know I have it. Of course, I know.
I flinch when someone comments on my ''Extra(ness)" 
I don't think I will ever admit it in person. Even as it becomes more understood or acceptable to discuss. In future generations, it may be a safe space. For now, I don't feel like (my space) is safe.

douwanna? September 15, 2022

I can feel the weight of every word you wrote. A dog is so much more than 'just a dog'. They are often the heart of a family. xo

dldm78 August 10, 2022

I should cancel the email I just sent to Dr Peri.
Ask Mia Anything, just answered all of my questions.

I might 'Ask Mia' how likely it is to get knocked up with twins?
Plus, do mothers of twins feel thankful that they got to birds outside of one bush?
I only got one bird, he is 10 now. When he flew out, my obstetrician recommended, moving forward, keep birds away from my bush. But...... maybe? More bang for your buck?

dldm78 August 10, 2022

I have never been accused of 'going with the flow'.  Although. it is often said as a 'dig', I wear that badge with pride. Going 'with the flow' sounds like a speed slide into WTF?'

You may appreciate my makeup cleaning schedule; After using a brush (each day) I put some micellar water onto a soft cloth, then lightly swirl the brush in the direction the brush is used. On the FIRST Sunday of each month I do the proper clean and leave them to dry (head down) in the sun.
Instead of tech reminders, I use other prompts like; change of season, 'firsts' of the month, financial years.
I also love handwriting lists, which are completely ineffective, but I enjoy making them in my bullet journal. It looks pretty, but it is usually left on my desk.

dldm78 August 7, 2022

More, More, More please

dldm78 August 7, 2022

I wish we all could meet each other and be friends to each other. Thank you for sharing this.

dldm78 August 3, 2022

I don't doubt you have had your ups and downs, but wow!  I truly believe your relationship is 100% unpretentious, and not something either of you overstate just to 'put on a good face'
If I had a sister, I would hope that our relationship resembled anything like yours.  (Oh, wait! I do have a sister. We are the diametrical opposite of you two).
So you two may not feel jealous of each other, but I am jealous for the both of you.

dldm78 May 26, 2022

The Aboriginals didn't make us wait for a referendum about whether we could dock our ships and disembark.
I know that is a very simplistic and somewhat trite comment, but COME ON! A referendum? We can't even get daylight savings agreed to in WA, and we've had about 10 attempts.
We shouldn't get to have an opinion about whether Indigenous people should be included in the constitution. It is absolutely, unequivocally, obvious; of course they bloody should be. 
I am now annoyed that I got so excited about Albo's swift statement acknowledging the existence of the Uluru statement.

dldm78 May 26, 2022

Excellent video, thank you.
Something funny though, is that you just gave an analogy about cancellations when you recently said analogies are usually what get you at the bottom of the pile.
It was the perfect analogy though.

dldm78 May 26, 2022

OOOh, I just had another thought (you may have said this but I was too busy typing the comment above and missed it,
Could it be that you feel PERI-SCARY because you can't control your hormones. They just do what they want, when they want and how they want. They should be nicer to you, because they are yours, but IBS blows that myth out of the water.
Try deliberately placing your attention off your hormones and focus it toward some other amazing organ inside your body.
Hard to do when MamaMia has become the PERI headquarters at the same time you are in the thick of it.

dldm78 May 26, 2022

Holly, it was you that first recognised that men do still wolf-whistle, just not at you (a revelation to me too). Probably because we'd knock them out now.
Cat's out of the bag: We know your age, we know you have 2 beautifical kids with no plans for more.
You have an amazing job, in a workplace that is so PERI+, and you are doing a GREAT job, so unlikely to be on the jobseeker nightmare.
I have been having hot flushes since my late 20s.
Men in the GenX range should know by now that if you even suggest "Are you on your period?" they need to run, FAST.

And whose hormones are in my body, if not mine?

dldm78 January 2, 2022

100% stand alongside you on this!
I remember one day the daycare centre called and asked me to come and pick him up because they believed he had 'foot & mouth' [insert medical terminology] and I felt the following:|

1. F*ck! Isn't that something goats get? WTF?
2. Sh*t. I have to pick him up. There goes my day of silence.

Then, when I got there, my displeasure was quite obvious. But then..... my least finest moment in daycare was;

I took him to a doctor (b/c of course, I needed to know if he was a goat?, but also for a medical certificate to get him back into daycare.

When I gave them the MC, they wouldn't accept it and made me take him back home. I quite vigorously rejected their diagnosis, trying to change their position, but they were staunch.

The next daycare day, I had to go in, hat in hand and apologise for my behaviour, acknowledge they had absolutely made the right
decision and I was ashamed of my behaviour towards them.

I realised it was the robbing of my day off, more than the safety of mine AND the other kids that overcame all else.

dldm78 January 2, 2022

Your description about watching your parents connecting with your kids was so heartwarming. My parents weren't given that opportunity when my sister had her children. I had never connected with my own grandparents, so I didn't really know what that grandparent relationship looked like.
I knew that when I had my son I would make sure mum and dad got the chance to be grandparents and it was truly beautiful. I remember the day my dad said to me; "You know Donna, you have kids and of course you love them, but grandkids; I had no idea how much you could love someone. I honestly have never felt this before."
My son was the ONLY person that could instantly light dad's eyes up right until he passed away 6 months ago.

dldm78 December 13, 2021

I am just at the beginning of trying to make friends in my 40s. I am scared as sh*t. I don't know how to meet or make new friends & I have never had a group of different friends. But I am going to give the 'pie' a try. I mean, I like pie, so that's a good start.