User Comments

ralph December 29, 2022

It is naive to think that any pictures that are uploaded anywhere are safe from being viewed and disseminated by anyone.  Yes, it is wrong but if you don't want any embarrassing pictures to become public, don't take them.  If you don't want any embarrassing comments to become public, don't make them.  It is privacy 101.   If you crave the publicity, then go right ahead.

ralph January 11, 2021

What an incredibly sad story.   And before this woman is attacked by those seeking to occupy the high moral ground, a pause to consider all the aspects of her struggle wouldn’t be a bad thing.  Is it so bad to take a lover and keep her dysfunctional marriage together?  Whilst it’s easy to be black and white and not consider the in between, nobody can intimately know the struggle this woman is having to keep her children in a two parent home.  Or her grieving for her lost relationship or her desperate need for some validation as a woman.  If taking a lover for a time allows her to regroup and stops her from burning the house down when it could be made whole at some point, I say do it, because I have no right to sit in judgment.  And I think very few are so pure of thought or deed that they can.

ralph December 27, 2020

Contrary to the previous posts, I can’t see anything in the article that implied that different rules applied to men or women.   This article was simply about the vey human emotion of trust.  She eventually came to the conclusion that he was a cheater, but needed to verify her suspicion.   He exhibited control symptoms that already pointed to an unhealthy relationship, and frankly she is better to be rid of him.