User Comments

sp33333 August 5, 2023

@jodster73 Or people have actual legitimate issues with gynecologists. It was weird and unnecessary. It was a pro gynecology shout out. Nope, I fully understood the movie and thought it was great until then. It undid the depth, feminist undertones and message of the movie. Perhaps people should have empathy.

Like I said, gynecology is an industry that is riddled with misogyny. Any movie that would have a pro gynecology message, i'm probably not going to enjoy… especially not one that is trying to show the structures and take a shot at dismantling the patriarchy in such a profound way, to end it on that note was very weird. I think anybody who doesn't see an issue with modern day gynecology comes off as very naive.... there are plenty of women with horrible stories more or less. 

and it's interesting that you bring up mental health, because gynecologists haphazardly prescribe young women bc pills and devices that can and does severely effect their mental health unbeknownst to them. And then they will gaslight them when they do eventually come in with complaints. Amongst other things. But anyways. Perhaps people should have empathy. 

sp33333 July 27, 2023

Nah, If that's the sentiment they where going for, they should have shown this in a different way. Gynecology as is is anything but something to appreciate.... That's putting it lightly. It was unnecessary and weird. 

sp33333 July 25, 2023

I agree with this article. It was an unnecessary ending to an otherwise powerful feminist movie that left a bad taste in my mouth and ruined the movie for me too.

Visiting the gynecologist isn't some "universal" woman "necessity".  I actually don't go. If something where to go wrong, I seek out alternatives that don't offer iuds or bc. I almost passed away from a failure to warn with a copper iud in 2016/17. 
It's an industry riddled with medical gaslighting, gender bias, misogyny, ect. 
The line was a weird and unnecessary "pro gynecology" shout out, it came out of nowhere, it seemed. The reality is, aspects of modern day gynecology are not in women's best interests (that's putting it lightly without going into explanation, it's extremely grim). I say this as a pro-choice person too. This article is not an "extreme reaction"or "overthinking" in any way, ect (like the other comments said)... at all,  I appreciate this article.