User Comments

sammyrk April 27, 2022

@mamamia-user-556745246 because it is not ideal for the employer in a lot of cases for anyone to leave at 3pm - ideally you want your work force available during work hours where possible. The problem is, parents generally don't have a choice, either they are allowed some flexibility or they, mostly women, are excluded from the workforce. This is the reason women fall behind in their careers and in superannuation while looking after young children. Unfortunately school and daycare hours do not fit the standard work hours. Hobbies on the other hand can be done on the weekend/after work. Medical appointments and caring duties can be taken as leave by anyone.

sammyrk October 20, 2021

@km just FYI, maybe look into discrimination laws on this. Discrimination laws in an employment sense protect individuals from being discriminated against on a number of protected attributes, such as gender, sexual preference, race etc. Vaccination status is not one of them, and early tests of these laws since vaccine mandates have come in have seen the courts support this. You can require your staff to be vaccinated if it is a reasonable direction to do so.

sammyrk August 25, 2020

I had a miscarriage in March, the day the country went into lockdown. Because having a D+C was considered 'elective', I had to have it done at an abortion clinic. I am based in Sydney with my hubby but my entire family and support network are in Qld and I haven't seen anyone since February.

Struggling to get pregnant again and would just kill to sit and talk to my mum. Worried we will spend our first Christmas alone while everyone is in Qld without us. Have stacked on weight, drinking too much and my mental health is rubbish. Not good.