User Comments

chuckles1902 June 9, 2022

Thank you for being so brave and sharing your story. I'm flabbergasted this is the way you were treated. I thought things were suppose to be better now, more options available. Do nurses get trained in post natal depression and recognising symptoms? Unbelievable you were told there was nothing they could do. I had PND 24 years ago when I had my first baby and it was 12 months of hell. I was sent to a phychiatrist (male) by my GP (male) who had no idea what it was like after having a baby. It's not like the movies and throw away all the books. I went to Tressillian and I made the counsellor cry after telling her my story. I really thought there was no hope for me. BTW Tressillian were very supportive. I truly admire your guts in telling your story, we need to hear more of them. 

Chuckles1902 December 29, 2021

Both of my kids, when in Year 6, were practically the only ones in their "colour" house not to be nominated for leadership positions. The Deputy Principal (who had no kids) asked for all nominated kids to come on stage to be applauded  leaving my kids in their respective years humiliated by publicly showing they weren't "popular". At the Christmas concert when the leaders were announced one Father had the nerve to complain to me his daughter was embarassed because her whole family turned up and she didn't get a position.  I never mentioned my son/daughter were not even nominated. They grew up to be beautiful people. My son just graduated University with his Law Degree and just started working at a law firm. My daughter is in her 2nd year of her primary school teachers degree.  I am so proud of them and so proud of how they handled every time they didn't get the popularity award. It made them sensitive, empathetic, caring humans and don't we need that more now than ever.