User Comments

meg December 12, 2022

If indeed she was as naive as she claims to have been about royal protocols, it only demonstrates that she must be an extremely self-absorbed and insensitive person. Who hasn't googled a new love interest or done a bit of Facebook stalking to find out everything they can about their new love? Is she really that disinterested in the world inhabited by the man that she claims to love so intensely?

To bow and/or curtsey is a mark of deep respect and cultural tradition in many, many places around the world. Would we find her naivety cute if she spoke this way after meeting the Japanese royals? 
She's either an incredibly insensitive person, or she is lying. Either way, it's not good! 

meg July 5, 2022

"But would it really be so bothersome for us to pop on a mask while we're doing so?"

Yes, yes it would. You see, some of us have had a very traumatic two years and wearing a mask triggers some memories of very dark places that we'd rather forget. Having been vaxxed and had covid twice now, I have decided that for me, the restrictions have just not been worth the cost.

You may have reached a different conclusion- and that's fine. You are very welcome to wear your mask for as long as you want to. It's time to make and live with our own decisions about how we want to manage our risks. 

meg July 20, 2021

.It's not just about money. It's the psychological trauma of the instability and of having your life ripped up into tatters. Poor nurses... They've never been more celebrated and validated!
 On the other hand, small businesses owners, tourism operators, aviation workers and co are all being told their livelihoods and wellbeing is irrelevant and expendable for the greater good. Some of us would far rather take our chances with covid than to go through the living hell being forced upon us right now

meg February 25, 2021

Sounds to me like you just need to get some jeans in the right size and cut. Skinny doesn't mean too small 🙄

meg July 31, 2020

To be fair, at least one of the girls wasn't cooperating with police when the media released their names. 

It doesn't hurt for them to really feel the force of consequences for their own choices.  It wasn't just stupid & a bit careless. There was nothing accidental about what they did. It was carefully and deliberately planned illegal activity which, I believe, is why the media felt they were fair game.