User Comments

lq March 30, 2023

Absolutely terrifying that this person could be out and about in his late 40’s he has a very sick mind. Surely he should be locked up forever? He will just meet more sickos in prison and become more of a danger. 

lq March 15, 2023

@ican'tthinkofone I understand the calling your child, but emailing anytime should be fine as long as you don’t expect a reply outside of work hours.

Email was for when it was too late to call. Why do people even have notifications on? It’s not an instant message thing. 

lq June 1, 2021

So devastating. Also, just reminds us how horribly treated these children were treated all around the world. Sadly it is still happening as well.

lq December 7, 2020

Such a hard process for everyone to go through. 

Interesting that both juries had more males?

lq December 6, 2020

I think it’s different for every family. Personally I found going from 1-2 much harder than 2-3.

I love having 3 and I am one of 3. I think it self regulates behaviour because someone is always being left out so it teaches them to deal with that feeling I. A safe space, but the left out one is always changing...

lq November 1, 2020

@parsha totally agree. Her friend was probably desperately lonely with a newborn in Covid. Funny how people attack others to cover how they are feeling.

I love my kids so much, but I wanted to create a family with my partner, so I didn’t think much about kids beforehand. 
If you haven’t met the person who makes you want to have kids that also makes so much sense.