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jimmy June 18, 2021

@cat they are subjective because they depend on the individual rating themselves; this is of course going to vary greatly between individuals and even with the individual themselves. Surveys (which is essentially what they are) are notoriously one of the most unreliable methods of gathering information there is. 

I’m not arguing that 1 in 3 won’t be diagnosed but I do definitely question  the validity and usefulness of these diagnosis. Labelling young impressionable people with an “illness” when it is much more likely to be normal ups and downs is not useful and actually takes away from the people who really do have an illness and are unable to get help because services are so saturated. 
Think you hit the nail on the head - the very fact that we don’t feel able to help each other and don’t think teenagers are equipped to help each other,  with grief and tragic events is probably one of the reasons we find ourselves experiencing an epidemic  of ‘mental illness’. Life is and always has been hard  and terrible things do happen and we don’t need the help of ‘strangers’ to help us deal with them. Not sure of your experience with schools (I’m a school principal) but grief counsellors are called in at the drop of a hat. Of course if something really horrific happened - like death of fellow students, horrific crime etc this might be appropriate - but if for example , my husband was to die, grief counsellors would be called in to support students and staff who didn’t even know him!! Incidentally the many, many times grief  counsellors have been called in they are very very under utilised (in fact not uncommon for no one to go and see them) because surprise, surprise staff and students want the support of people they a relationship with. 

jimmy June 18, 2021

@niko I think we are on the same page it is definitely all about choice. I wasn’t referring at all to the skin to skin contact straight after birth; which was well known about when I had all of my babies but; rather that I would have liked the choice to have been able to recover from a big operation without trying to look after a baby by myself. The staffing shortages are at play in both scenarios.

jimmy June 17, 2021

Where has the presumption come from that All

Mothers want to be with their babies All the time as soon as they’re born. Speaking as a mother of 4, all I wanted after my c-sections was to have my babies in the nursery, so I could sleep and recover! Instead the staffing shortages meant that my babies were with me as soon as I got back to the maternity ward and I was expected to look after them from the beginning. When I rang the buzzer because they wouldn’t stop crying, and I couldn’t physically lift them, all the midwives had time to do was pick them up, quickly settle them and then put them back in the crib; where of cause they started crying again once they left! I’m sure all mothers are different; but I know for me my desire for rest and recovery outweighed my desire to be with them 24/7. 

jimmy June 17, 2021

@anonymous I agree with the over diagnosing and then people believing that their label defines them. This is particularly prevalent amongst our young people, who are so vulnerable to this. The process for getting diagnosed for a mental illness is so subjective - it really is possible, and does happen, that someone who is experiencing normal nerves or normal sadness or grief can go in and get diagnosed with anxiety or depression. Many of the mental health services are actually perpetuating this problem. In an effort to destigmatise Mental illness, which was needed, the pendulum has swing too far and we have agencies such as Headspace and the Blackdog Institute give presentations to students telling them that 1 in 3 will experience a mental illness and that they must reach out and get help ( ironic because services are so swamped there is no help). No wonder our poor students are then convinced that they have a serious medical condition when in all likelihood they are just experiencing the normal gamut of human emotions; albeit intensified by teenage hormones. We also have the ridiculous idea that only counsellors can help. Tragedy strikes and schools have to call in grief counsellors. Whatever happened to just supporting one another and turning to people you have a relationship with; rather than strangers who don’t even know you! 

jimmy June 17, 2021

@chezshah Great response. My only question is re the diagnosis of mental health. Absolutely no doubt that many diagnoses are genuine medical issues and I agree that it’s incredibly unhelpful and worse, damaging, to dismiss them as caused by stress, lifestyle or hormones. However, I know for myself that I genuinely don’t know whether I have a mental illness or am just a victim of circumstances - tired, stressed and then self medicating with food and poor lifestyle choices. No question I could go into a dr tomorrow and be diagnosed with anxiety and depression - but I’m not entirely sure this would be a correct diagnosis. If I could somehow change my circumstances and hence lifestyle,  I don’t think I would be suffering. Obviously lifestyle and stress plays a part in mental illness; but real medicalised mental illness will exist whatever the circumstances. 

So I suppose my question is this: how many other people out there are just stressed and in difficult circumstances - in which case medication is not going to do anything; and how many people have a medicalised mental illness whereby medication is definitely needed? With mental health services in the dire way they are; I don’t think this is being properly looked at. People like me are routinely prescribed medication they don’t need and won’t respond to and then people like yourself are routinely told to meditate and practice mindfulness; which is akin to asking someone with a broken leg to run a few laps of the oval.

mamamia-user-105701183 May 29, 2021

Great article and glad you are doing what’s best for you. I went through all of this with three of my children - I hated breastfeeding! It didn’t come easily, it didn’t suit my personality (never knew how much they’d had etc) andy it completely tied me to Bub - there’s no way I could ever express enough to miss even 1 feed. With my last baby -Id had enough and bottle fed from the start! What a relief - may have been a coincidence but he was by far my best baby in terms of sleeping and being content and best of all my husband and parents could feed him as well. Luckily his birth coincided with the release of latest research which finally proved that the health benefits of breastfeeding have been greatly overstated - at best breastfeeding has a few short term and very small benefits to tummy and digestion and no proven long term benefits. 

mamamia-user-105701183 March 8, 2021

I’m not sure if the card is the answer or not - but anyone who has lived and worked in these communities knows that the situation is absolutely dire. it does make you wonder when people are concerned about civil liberties etc whether they have ever seen first hand for themselves what is actually happening. There is generational welfare dependency and entrenched violence and absolute family dysfunction. Not every family of course but certainly enough to warrant something to be done. As has been pointed out by several it is the communities themselves who are crying out for some drastic action. 

mamamia-user-105701183 March 8, 2021

Whilst the pain and emotion was genuine and quite powerful to watch, remember we have only heard one side of the story. There is always two sides and it is quite likely that we will never hear the other and certainly not in the form of a tell all interview. Misunderstandings and misrepresentations do occur. Is it possible, for example, that the ‘senior royal’ made a comment a long the lines ‘oh wonder who baby will take over - will he have your colouring Meghan or be fair like Harry’. Obviously I wouldn’t have a clue but do know that sometimes even the most innocent of comments can be misconstrued if the person is feeling particularly vulnerable. Maybe it was more a case of foot n mouth - insensitive, inappropriate but not actually racist. Again whatever occurred I think it’s important to remember that we only have heard from Meghan and Harry - certainly speaking ‘their truth’ but perhaps not the objective truth. 

mamamia-user-105701183 February 25, 2021

This might be a really stupid question - but does just finding a foot mean 100% she is dead. Obviously I know given all the circumstances around her situation it is almost certain that she is - but theoretically you can survive without a foot and without a body I just didn’t think you could definitively say someone was dead?

mamamia-user-105701183 November 9, 2020

@guest2 of course there are educated and well off republicans who support Trump because they are looking after their own interests but as this article eludes to and is well known, there are also a lot of uneducated and relatively poor voters who support Trump for the reasons outlined in this article and because Trump has deliberately exploited their ignorance. He has even boasted how the uneducated poor love him! While Democrats don’t have much of a hope of introducing universal healthcare that’s not from want of trying which is far better than the Republicans who vehemently oppose it and were responsible for watering down Obamacare so much.

mamamia-user-105701183 November 8, 2020

But the really sad thing is that Trump brought in policies that actually hurt the working class or poor far more than the Democrats. It is the Democrats that want universal healthcare for example and Trump who is vehemently opposed to this. It is Trump who favours big business and tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the poor. The abominable thing is that Trump exploited the ignorance and educational disadvantage of so many of his supporters. 

mamamia-user-105701183 October 27, 2020

I had 4 c- sections. The first was emergency and was under a general. Physically I was in a lot of pain afterwards but still recovered quickly and it was managed well with medication. The others were all elective and what I wasn’t prepared for was the overwhelming nausea from the spinal block. Have never experienced anything like it and was by the far the worst part of the experience. So much so that I would have preferred to go under as I didn’t experience any nausea from the general. The 4th was also quite stressful - a lot of bleeding and subsequent quite slow and emotional recovery rate after losing so much blood. I found the physical pain of recovery the easiest part of the procedure.

Rudge October 5, 2016

I haven't changed my argument at all. It is a really complex issue and I certainly don't have the answers. It's all well and good to say that they shouldn't have children but no one has logistically said how this is to be carried out and what the ramifications would be of forced sterilisation on society. Because that's what it would be - forced sterilization. What I have objected to and what other people have objected to is the totally inappropriate and disrespectful way you are talking about people with intellectual disabilities. Even if you do work with them does not give you the right to talk about them in this way - infact it makes it worse. I would be horrified if any of my sons workers were referring to him in this way and it is one of rhe main reasons why I am such a strong advocate for people with disabilities - I don't want the sector to be so under resourced and stressed that they are forced to employ nasty and judgemental people like yourself. Hopefully this is only your internet facade and you are using exaggeration for effect and to get your point across.

Rudge October 5, 2016

So do we intervene with everyone who we believe can't look after a baby? Who decides? What is the IQ cut off point? What about people with drug addictions? Women in violent relationships? How do we do this? Forced sterilisation - do police come around and get them? Not so simple is it.

Rudge October 4, 2016

I guess my point was - as a mother of a son with a significant disability- it is so important to me that he is treated with respect. Your comment and reply was disrespectful towards people with disabilities and is deeply offensive. They have the right to be treated with respect and dignity and for their wants to be acknowledged. As stated in my original comment- which you seemed to have missed- this is very different to having their wants granted. I am really hopeful that you don't really work with people with disabilities and have just said this to give your argument more 'weight' - otherwise it is truly frightening that someone with such simplistic and narrow views is working with such vulnerable people.