User Comments

hummingh October 13, 2022

Thank you for writing this. I was in this same situation 5 years ago and I felt every word. Sending you big love.

hummingh October 2, 2021

What a terrible excuse for an apology. You have hit the nail on the head - it is all about him and does not even mention the woman he hurt. All he seems to have learnt from this is that he can get away with it. 

hummingh July 16, 2021

I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through.  Thank you for writing this to shIne a light on what so many are experiencing. I am a mental health nurse who works in the public system and I feel the frustration of the delay between funding announcements and an increase in on ground support. Hoping you and your Son get through this.

hummingh May 12, 2021

Thank you Robert and Deborah for sharing your story so openly. Hopefully it will enable others to recognise how this behaviour can start so incideously and give them a push to seek to change. 

hummingh March 25, 2021

I could not love this more. What a humanising rather than demonising way to talk about those who need to use our social security. I wish i could vote for this woman as our PM!

hummingh March 20, 2021

I seem to remember when Harry and Megan left for the US that they said something along the lines of one of their reasons for leaving was wanting to be independent and to earn their own way? I am not an avid Royal watcher so i may have that wrong.  If so however it is hypocritical and mean spirited for them to then turn around and claim that Charles cut them off financially.  Also I think I read something about the money from Diana being $14 million or something like that, they both have had high paying careers so it is very hard to feel sorry for them crying poor. 

hummingh January 7, 2021

Dear Anon Mamma,

I know that you must be reeling and i do feel for you with the shock of this diagnosis. As a mental health nurse i want you to please know that this may actually be the start of your Son's journey of recovery - understanding what is going on for him, finding medication that reduces his distressing symptoms and refinding himself.  Google things like Schizophrenia Recovery Journey and the Hearing Voices Movement to learn about what is very possible. He already has a massive head start with having a supportive family.  I hope that you are being provided with carer support through your Sons's mental health service (if not then please ask for it). Wishing your Son and your family all the very best.

HummimgH April 10, 2020

But if you look at the testing criteria you need to have symptoms AND have either been in contact with a known case, been overseas recently or in a high risk population - this means that we are potentially missing a heap of community transmissions and i am really concerned people will look at the low numbers and relax from social distancing way too soon

HummimgH March 27, 2019

As a nurse i thank you for realising that yelling and acting this way is not acceptable. However sadly sometimes it IS nessecary to raise concerns about a loved ones care and you were absolutely right to ensure your Mum had pain medication. I have had to advocate for my family members lots of times (whilst being aware of the pressures and limitations that nurses and medical staff are under). I would definitely advise people NOT to look at them as infallible caring angels and to speak up (politely) if something seems not right.

HummimgH February 7, 2019

This is so very sad. I am a mental health nurse and the suicide rate and burn out with registrars is very concerning - espescially in a field that should know better! Good on you for being brave enough to stand up and say this is wrong. You can only give safe and effective care if you are ok yourself. Plus you deserve to have a life too! The culture will never change as long as noone questions the toughen up and suck it up mentality. That's why unions are so important.
All the very best to the writer for a future where she gets to use her skills in a sustainable way.