
Your baby's pressies beat what Prince George is getting for Christmas

The most famous baby in the world, Prince George, won’t be getting what you think this Christmas.

While your baby is likely to receive stuffed bears, rattles or adorable onesies this Christmas, the world’s favourite 4-month-old prince will be celebrating with… joke gifts?

Good Morning America reports royal tradition dictates that gifts are opened on Christmas Eve, and that the only family presents exchanged are to be funny or small.

“Legend has it that, despite having enough money to afford luxury gifts, the royal family instead gives each other joke presents,” ABC News’ Victoria Murphy tells the show. “Perhaps Prince George will get something funny from his relatives. I also think he will be inundated with gifts from the public, just as he was when he was born. He is one lucky little prince!”

And, if tradition holds for George, the first child of William and Catherine, those gathered around the tree at great-grandma Queen Elizabeth’s coastal English estate will include mum and dad, granddad Prince Charles and Camilla and uncle Prince Harry. Not invited? Kate’s parents. Although Murphy says they’ll probably see their grandson at some point during the holiday season and are apt to spend New Year’s together.

Along with the gift exchange, other activities include a Christmas Eve black tie dinner, church on Christmas Day followed by lunch and viewing of Queen Elizabeth’s annual TV address, and pheasant hunting on Boxing Day.

Of course, baby George will likely sleep through most of the festivities. If only we could get his parents to pull a Kimye and Instagram all his royal gifts. We bet Harry comes up with some really good ones.

Enough about George – what is your little prince or princess getting this Christmas?