This is a sensitive story to tell. Unfortunately, most the people who’ve heard this story, heard it through the grape vine. Not from me. So now you will hear it from me.
I did the Disney College Program in 2014. I was so excited — as most program participators are. Prior to moving to California, the group of accepted interns chatted, found roommates, and made friends in a Facebook group.
There one was one guy who seemed to always be present in Google Hangouts and conversations. I assumed nothing of it. He had been a cast member already for 5 years, and was a DCP alumni. He was going to be “dorming” during the program as well, despite being older than the average age of most people in the program. I believe he was 28. The average crowd was 18–23 year olds.
Watch the GIRLS cast stick up for victims of domestic violence (post continues after video).
We chit chatted privately occasionally. I admit to flirting, though I flirt with everyone. And flirting did not justify what happened. I admit to talking about marijuana. But talking about weed — in a state where it is medicinally legal — also does not warrant what happened.
Top Comments
That is a terrible situation to be in. He would of preyed on you or any other vulnerable person knowing he had the advantage. Hopefully more people can come forward and the employer can address this issue because I doubt this is his first time.
Your story takes a massive leap to being almost raped. Yes this guy was trying to make a move on you, but that is the extent of his crimes. You were free to leave the room at any time. Is is just me or is this article a bit attention seeking?
I said similar but my comment didn't get through.
Yes it could have felt like a very threatening situation but I don't see the immediate danger that was implied.
If he was very clearly trying to get her drunk and further incapacitated by drugs - was it not an attempt at rape?
Intoxication means you can't consent