


Guess who wins the brass ring this year! You're looking at one neutral and 11 favourable months. With Snake watching your back, this could be one of your best years in quite a while. Now's the time to play big.

Do what it takes to move yourself to the next level. Your love life, finances and career are all good – if you go for it. There are two things you can do to make a good thing even better: One, use your head. Think, study, plan and meditate. Secondly, go deep in whatever you do. Being superficial could hold you back. This being a Water year is fabulous for you, as Ox is a Water sign. You're in your element, so go out there and get whatever it is you seek this year!


Your 71 percent rating this year means things are really looking up. In fact, under the rule of the Snake, this could be one of your best years in a long time. Put your back into it, dear Ox! A good work ethic has never been a problem for you, but your extra efforts this year could go a long way. Change is not a bad thing either, even if it means you have to travel. Rewards will follow. Don't make everything all about work, though. If you take time off and recharge, you'll be more productive in what looks to be a wonderful Year of the Snake for you!


Don't allow anything in the amour department discourage you this year, Ox. Find a new love or turn the one you have into heavenly bliss. Instead of shouldering the load of emotional weight, use the charms of the Snake to help you unload those pent up emotions you've been carrying around all these years. It will feel incredibly refreshing and revitalising to give up and share those emotions with someone special and worthy of your love and friendship.



If you let yourself indulge in the excesses of last year's Dragon, this Year's Water Snake will help you reign it all back in. Use your heightened Chi levels, and focus on weight management. Keep your mind stimulated and your body in shape so that you can take full advantage of what this year has to offer. A Water year is associated with your kidneys, so it might be good to go in and get yours checked out. Speaking of Water, drink plenty of it in 2013.


As one of the most ambitious signs of the Chinese zodiac, Snake is associated with making money. For you, that means this year is all about material gain and career success. Snake is not a nose-to-the-grindstone like Ox is. It relies more on charm and wisdom to win big. You may or may not be charismatic, but it will be worth your while to bring out every bit of it you have this year. As for your job and your finances, be as focused and knowledgeable as you possibly can.
