Yesterday I spent the afternoon looking for a giant cockatoo, a pig and a Rubix cube (amongst other over-sized items) from the roof of a Sydney hotel.
That sentence sounds weird, but I promise it’s true.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by OPSM. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.
It was a giant game of eye spy that was all part of the launch of a new app that’s aimed to help Australians check their vision – and encourage them to see an optometrist where necessary. Because apparently we’re not very good at taking the initiative to make appointments ourselves- even if we’re having trouble reading every now and then…
That app’s called the OPSM Eye Check App and I have to admit that the Mamamia team had a bit of fun yesterday afternoon holding out our phones and checking each other’s vision and ability to see how good our vision really is and whether we need to go and get some glasses.
What I’ve found is that my vision is never as good as I think it is. I’ll along to the optometrist thinking I’m dandy – only to discover my vision’s dramatically worse than the last time I was in.
Apparently we’re all supposed to do have it done every two years and that’s even if you’ve never had a problem with your eyes. (Preventative tests can apparently pick up on eye diseases like glaucoma and indicators for other health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure.)
That’s a fact I learned about today at the event. And I learned a few other things while I was there too.
Top Comments
This sounds pretty cool! I've always wondered about my vision. I last went to another optometrist and they kept forcing me to buy 2 pair deal and they made me feel like I was wasting their time. Thank you OPSM for caring about Australians with vision problems like myself! I will download your app and try it out!
I've always been an OPSM fan, they give more comprehensive eye tests and have better quality product. Specsavers do what their name says, but I wouldn't use their product because I value my eyes a lot more than $$.