
Why having sons is so incredibly special.

I find my role as a mum of boys a special one. 

There is a magnet you can find at any good souvenir store that reads ‘mothers of sons work from son up till son down.’

As a mother of two boys I find it hilarious.

I find my role as a mum of two boys a very special one.

Despite my absolute hate of gender stereotyping, as a mother of two boys, I can honestly say there are just some things that are innately different between boys and girls.

This being the case it is, at times, a challenge to parent just boys.

Of course there is toilet training – what do you even do with THAT?

But there is so much more.

As a woman you are your son’s first female role.

And as that role model, I try so hard to be present in their lives and offer fulfilling experiences.

And in my almost seven years of being a mother, I’ve found certain activities fulfilling, not just for them but for me also.

Here’s a list of my favourite things to do with my boys.

We love baking


I hate jokes about women’s place being in the kitchen. My partner is a fantastic cook and I love teaching my boys their way around a kitchen. I am so impressed when my kids rattle off the ingredients in cakes and cookies and proudly show people their creations.

2. Reading.

I tried so hard when they were young to read chapter books to my kids. They just weren't interested. It wasn't until recently they both finally found a love of reading. They now ask for me to read another chapter of our favourite books before bed. I hope I can instil a love of reading in them for a lifetime.


3. Chatting.

I talk to my boys about everything. Good, bad, funny, you name it we talk about it. From the moment they started talking I’ve kept lines of communication open. My eldest son now asks for ‘talk time’ if he has something he wants to discuss with me.

4. Playing Lego.

I forgot what a sense of accomplishment it was finishing a Lego set. And now they are old enough not to trash it, it’s even better.

5. Playing dress ups.

I think too often we forget boys enjoying dressing up too. Imagination is so important in child hood. I often let the boys choose a wacky outfit to wear during our dress up time. I love seeing them bring characters they’ve created in their heads to live.

Sometimes we just lie down and have a good chat.

6. Showing them new things.

New places, new people (I want to say new food but neither of them eat…) any new experience. The world is a big place and I want them to learn as much as they can about it.

7. Holding their hand.

My 6-year-old still holds my hand in public. I know it won’t last forever so I'm treasuring it while I can.

8. Giving them a goodnight kiss as they sleep.

They are my babies and always will be.

Are you a mum to only boys? What are your favourite things to do with them?

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