We all feel guilty. But enough is enough.
As mums, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to feeling guilty. But when it comes to taking time out for ourselves, guilt is a wasted emotion. Getting some time away from the kids does wonders for our perspective and offers some much needed respite.
Here are five things you shouldn’t waste time feeling guilty about:
1. Wanting a break from it all.
The thing with parenting is that can be so relentless. Kids by their nature are needy and aren’t too interested in how busy your head is. When I tuck my eldest up in bed at night, I feel really envious, watching him snuggle down into his blankets and cuddling his teddies. I would love to disappear into a big cuddly bed full of teddies. At 7.30pm. Maybe I should look into it.
In any case, it’s completely normal to feel like escaping now and then. Motherhood is full-on. If you feel like a break, see what you can do about taking one.
2. Looking forward to bedtimes.
Speaking of bedtimes, do you start watching the clock around the late afternoon, counting down the minutes until your kids are in bed? Guess what? Most of us mums do this. It doesn't mean you don't love them or want to spend time with them, it just means you value your recharge time.
You give your family the best of you all day. Enjoy your downtime in the evening. The next morning, you'll feel refreshed enough to greet your little ones with a big 'I missed you!' smile. Well, you will after a coffee, anyway.
3. Wanting to do some things without the kids.
For me, this is grocery shopping. There is a huge difference between going to the shops for milk and bread alone, and going when you've got children with you. To start with, adding a child to the mix will easily add half an hour to the expedition. It will also double the spending on groceries. It may or may not include an emergency hunt for a toilet, the loss of one toy that I should never have let them convince me to bring out of the car in the first place, and the replacement of shoes on feet at least twice.