
Why we should never doubt the bond we have with our kids.

This video will bring a tear to your eye.

I’m a sucker for a good tear jerker, although I will admit, the tears seem to flow far more freely since I had a baby five months ago.

I also admit, that anything heartwarming involving mothers and their children will make me weep into my tea.

So, thank you PANDORA, for your latest advertising video. I have watched this three times in a row and I’m still gently dabbing a tissue to my eye.

PANDORA asked six mums and their toddlers to participate in a beautiful experiment. One by one, each child was blindfolded and, using only their sense of touch and smell, was asked to identify which mum was theirs.

The children could only use touch and smell to identify which mother was theirs. image via youtube

The advert, which is tagglined “the unique connection”, has gone viral.

If you need a quick pick me up, or a reminder that you really do have a unique bond with your child, you can watch the whole video here.

When do you doubt your bond with your children? For me, it's the times I'm so busy I miss the clues into how their really feeling.

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