Welcome to my new desk.
The best part of any new job is finding out where you sit. Desks matter on so many levels, but not least of all because you’ll probably end up spending more time at your desk than just about anywhere else.
As desks go, mine is pretty special; a waist-high fifteen-foot-long bench complete with inset spittoons (fancy places to spit!) all finished in laboratory-grade white Laminex and saturated in artificial light.
Your cup of tea? Probably not. Yet to me – for the above-mentioned reasons and then some – it’s the best kind of desk I could imagine.
Tasting wine is a huge part of what I do.
In a good week I’ll spend anywhere up to fifteen hours standing at my “desk” pulling corks out of bottles, twisting off screw caps, sniffing, swirling, and slurping my way through the hundreds of weekly samples we receive at Coles Liquor HQ. Trust me when I tell you that it’s harder than it sounds!
On any given day I’ll taste upwards of 50 wines – these are grouped by variety or style, each is concealed in a bag eliminating any risk of label bias, and all are scored using the International 20 point scale; a possible 3 points are allocated for colour, 7 points for aroma, & 10 points for taste.
Helping me do all of this is one of the most talented group of wine buyers in the country. It may not sound like fun, but it’s a process that ensures that only the highest quality wines make it through, and even then we’re talking 20% of what we taste.
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HI MM Team; just wondering when the draw for Matt's book will be held? Thanks.
Thank you! Saved to my phone!