
Smart Solutions: How to organise your kitchen.

Smart solution: remove the stem of a strawberry, with a straw.






Everyone has their own super smart tips and tricks for making life easier around the home.

Using bulldog clips to organise cables and electrical cords. Using straws to remove the stems from strawberries. Somehow having mastered the ability to fold a fitted sheet.

But until you have a big rant to your friends about how you hate, hate, hate fitted sheets – and the fact that they always end up in a crumpled ball, stuffed into the back of your linen closet – you are unlikely to learn such wisdom from anyone you know.

That’s where the internet comes in. We have compiled a collection of some of the smartest solutions on how to organise your kitchen floating around online, and put them into this ‘ere handy little video for you.

These smart solutions cost very little (usually nothing at all), and will re-organise, de-clutter and essentially re-create your life.

Below you can find out how to preserve summer herbs throughout winter, what you can use to clean up broken glass without endangering your fingertips, and how to make pancakes a mess-free experience (a worthwhile life lesson indeed).

You’re welcome.

These smart solutions including how to organise your kitchen were brought to you by the all new Kia Rondo.
For more smart solutions, visit their website.