
When doctors see something really weird, they post it here.

Regular Instagram is so 2015.

Looking for the next social media platform to ensure your head remains firmly buried in your phone?

We have just the app for you.

Warning: it is a lot gross.

Figure 1 was created in 2013 and is being touted as an ‘Instagram For Doctors’. It allows doctors to upload pictures of their patient’s medical anomalies in the hopes of educating other doctors or crowdsourcing a solution to the problem.

Instagram for Doctors
Caption reads: “22 yom. ETOH. MVA. Unrestrained driver. Hit tree. Ejected partially through windshield. Left leg trapped between steering wheel and door. Closed femur fracture… Very lucky kid.” Source: Figure 1.

After someone has uploaded a picture, other doctors and specialists are able to provide their suggestions or thoughts on what the ailment is in a comment box below the image.

We can definitely see the similarity to Instagram, except that Figure 1 is much more helpful and much less beautiful.

The app was created by Dr. Josh Landy from Toronto, and he told Huffington Post that the goal was to “help democratise medical knowledge”.

“I want that knowledge to be everywhere in the world where there is Internet signal, because the knowledge of specialists shouldn’t be beyond the reach of the world’s medical community,” he said.

Instagram for Doctors
Caption reads: “18 yo male patient running with flip flops on. Patient hit foot on stump and split it open. Between toes was open down to inside his foot. Two dissolvable stitches were placed inside and eight outside.” Source: Figure 1

Landy makes sure that patients’ privacy is protected through various tools that can alter features that would identify someone. And although everyone can download the app, only medical professionals can upload pictures to it or comment.

Aside from providing helpful pictures designed to teach other doctors, there is also a paging feature that enables doctors to ask for help from specialists for mysterious conditions, and apparently the average time it takes for a case to be solved is 30 minutes.

Instagram for Doctors
Source: Figure 1.

The app is practical, user friendly, and very helpful for the medical community. All things we can get on board with.

Up to this point, we’ve been keeping the pictures fairly PG. For some of the more, er, interesting cases, have a look through this gallery. Just as a warning, these pictures are not for the faint hearted.


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