
Hilarious: if tabloids treated men the same way they treated women.



Peddling women’s insecurities to make a buck has long been fodder for tabloid magazines. Stars without makeup, zoomed in pictures of celebrity’s cellulite, bikini beach bodies and post-baby or diet before and after photos all vie for attention on  grubby covers at supermarket checkouts. Not that we notice anymore, we’re too busy looking at our phones.

But what did catch our eye this week was what would happen if tabloids treated men the same way they treated women.

The graphic designers over at The Huffington Post let rip, photoshopping flipped scenarios commenting on male bodies and relationships, from the fake Jonas brothers body war, to the hilarious Adam Levine wedding storyline.  Take a look.

Image: The Huffington Post.


Image: The Huffington Post.

“When a female celebrity says “I do,” she’s typically labeled as a sweet blushing bride or a deranged Bridezilla, and her choice of wedding dress becomes the most interesting thing about her. Dudes just wake up, throw on a nice suit and get married,” writes Amanda Scherker and Sara Boboltzon on The Huffington Post

Image: The Huffington Post.

They’re almost as funny as what happens when you force tabloid magazines to tell the truth.

Do you buy tabloid magazines?