
How to wear a checked blazer with clothes you already own. (And where to buy one.)

I LOVE the clean-cut sophistication of a blazer, but a checked print really kicks it up a notch.

I picked up a checked blazer from Missguided at the start of Spring last year and it was the perfect transitional piece as we moved into warmer weather. I swapped the knits and jeans underneath to cotton tees and skirts, or teamed with a slip cami dress and mules. It’s my go-to uniform when it’s a ‘I slept in and have five minutes to look presentable’ kind of morning.

But how do you style this on-trend piece?

I’ve put together how I love to style my checked blazer so you can start mixing one with the basic pieces you’ve already got in your wardrobe.

Checked blazer with a slogan tee and jeans

Don’t pack away those slogan tees from summer just yet.

Add a blazer and jeans for warmth and team with white cons for the weekend, or boots for casual Fridays.

checked blazer with slogan tee
Image: Getty.
checked blazer with slogan tee
Image: Getty.
checked blazer with slogan tee
Image: Getty.

Checked blazer with a basic shirt

For a classic look, grab a basic shirt or singlet out from the back of your wardrobe and pair with jeans.

White, grey, naxy, black and tan are great options.

Checked blazer with basics
Image: Trash to Treasured.
Checked blazer with basics
Image: Getty.
Checked blazer with basics
Image: Getty.

Checked blazer with a slip dress

Ah the aforementioned go-to when running late! Also, a great way to bring a slip dress from summer into autumn before it gets too cold.

The blazer I’m wearing in a current $49 Target one, but the thick material and cut make it feel very luxe. I went down a size to a size six for a more fitted look.

Checked blazer with a dress
Image: Trash to Treasured.
Checked blazer with a dress
Image: Getty.

Checked blazer with a skirt

This is probably my favourite way to wear a checked blazer as I love the clean-cut but feminine combo.

I’ve styled below with an old black Target skirt and a new Zara tan skirt. The best news is that the Zara one also comes in black and you can pick it up for $40 in-store. They also stock the tan online (yep, Australia finally got an online Zara store!) but it’s priced at $46 - anyone else noticed the price differences online and in store?

checked blazer with skirt
Image: Trash to Treasured.
checked blazer with skirt
Image: Trash to Treasured.
checked blazer with skirt
Image: Getty.

Checked blazer with a pop of colour

Neutrals such as white and black are the no-brainers for checked blazers but I also love the colour pop from red and orange (more great leftovers from the summer wardrobe).

Next up on my combo it list are blush pinks, cozy tan and icy blue knits.

checked blazer with skirt
Image: Trash to Treasured.
checked blazer with colour
Image: Getty.

Checked blazer with matching pants

If you love the look of matching separates, pairing a checked blazer with matching pants is a great way to wear the trend.

Depending on your shape, high-waisted cigarette pants, culottes or flared pants look great with a blazer thrown over a tee, or a blouse for a 9-5 option.

checked blazer with checked pants
Image: Getty.
checked blazer with checked pants
Image: Getty.
checked blazer with checked pants
Image: Getty.

Where to buy a checked blazer

Ready to give the checked blazer a go? Shop my picks below. Oh, and they're all under $150.

Boohoo Plus Megan Check Tailored Blazer, $48

Boohoo Plus Megan Check Tailored Blazer
Image: Boohoo.

Cotton On Women Boyfriend Blazer, $59.95

Cotton On Women Boyfriend Blazer
Image: Cotton On.

Missguided Black Checked Blazer, $48

Missguided Black Checked Blazer
Image: Missguided.

Boohoo Sophia Check Blazer, $55

Boohoo Sophia Check Blazer
Image: Boohoo.

Target Double-Breasted Longline Blazer, $49

Target Double-Breasted Longline Blazer
Image: Target.

ASOS CURVE Tailored Power Blazer in Dogstooth, $103

ASOS CURVE Tailored Power Blazer in Dogstooth
Image: ASOS.

Miss Selfridge Checked Blazer, $89

Miss Selfridge Checked Blazer
Image: ASOS.

Missguided Curve Black Check Longline Blazer, $70

Missguided Curve Black Check Longline Blazer
Image: Missguided.

Atmos&Here Loriel Longline Blazer, $99.95

Atmos&Here Loriel Longline Blazer
Image: The ICONIC.

Tina Abeysekara is a Sydney fashion blogger hunting down the latest retail sales, trending styles at affordable prices, and budget friendly shopping destinations- with some 'how-to' guides thrown in. You can read more from her on her website Trash to Treasured, and follow her on Instagram for everyday styling tips and bargain finds. This post was originally featured on Trash to Treasured and was republished here with full permission.

P.S. Obsessed with fashion? Aussie Laura Brown shares the moment she was offered the Editor In Chief role at InStyle in America below.