
Calculate exactly how long it takes Gina Rinehart to earn your annual salary. Ouch.


It took Gina Rinehart just minutes to make my annual salary.

In fact, 60-year-old mining heiress Rinehart earned $67,000 during the time most of us spent sitting on the toilet today, according to clever website How Rich Are You.

The number-crunching website instantly compares your yearly earnings to Gina’s, then breaks down that eye-watering amount of money to demonstrate what else it could buy.

For example:

Yep, Gina’s income over three years could almost buy a country.

The mind boggles.

(Well, mine certainly did when the website revealed that Rinehart made $42,000 in the time it took me to write this post.)

So, give the calculation a whirl here.

Just brace yourself: the results will either leave you nauseated or re-evaluating your choice of industry…

What were your results? What would you like to see Gina Rinehart do with all that money?