
What Saturday morning looks like after you have kids.

Hey tired dad, we’ve all been there…

Remember Saturday mornings before kids? They looked a bit like this…

After-kids and your morning looks a bit more like this...

A grumpy and frazzled dad has posted a hilarious YouTube clip showing exactly what his Saturday mornings look like.

Yes, he loves his daughter and he's happy to be a dad. But on a Saturday morning when he's tired and clinging to his coffee like it's a life raft, he clearly could use a more gentle start to the day. Sometimes, at least.

As he stars forlornly at the computer screen his little girl who most would describe as a 'handful', plays loudly in the background.

While he slumps in his chair his girl performs high-energy dance routines, climbs furniture, jumps on the lounge, get dressed up as ballerina and bangs anything she can find. On his head.

Missing our weekend sleep-ins is a small price to pay, for having a beautiful and healthy family but we've all been here, haven't we?

What does your Saturday morning look like?