I have always been a moody cow. The smallest thing can send me plunging into the foulest of moods and then moments later I perk up. It’s unpredictable, it’s maddening and it’s ruined at least two friendships and one relationship.
I can’t control it. Believe me, I’ve tried. As I’ve gotten older I’ve become better at hiding it but at home it’s my family who cops the full force of ‘hurricane Jo’ as my husband calls it. It’s not pretty and I feel incredibly ashamed afterwards. I’ve been taking vitamin D and iron for years and this has helped to smooth out some of the kinks, but not all of them.
Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Fusion Health. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in her own words.
Mornings are the worst. I hate mornings and despite me warning my husband for 15 years that I’m not a morning person he still bounces out of bed all perky and annoying and this is just infuriating. Even if I have to get up at some stupid hour – like 5am – he sits up for a chat. I scream inside my head, SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP.
Most mornings when he’s home I say something like, “Can you just give me some space”. Instead of getting offended like he used to he usually nods and goes about his day until I snap out of it. I hide my moods from my children by saying everything in a sing-songy tone. Instead of barking and being scary I just issue warnings and instructions like I’m the host of a children’s morning show and this works most of the time. The last thing I want is for my children to be affected by my bloody moods.
When I was offered a chance to try some Chinese herbal supplements by a company called Fusion Health I jumped at the chance. I must confess that my initial hopes were for weight loss, less water retention, more energy and less painful and heavy periods.
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We would love to invite any interested woman over the age of 45 to a great talk early eve on Thurs Oct 10th at 6 for 6.30pm-7.30 pm.
Mosman Art Gallery - please help spread the word!!!
Leading sexologist, Elaine George will talk about some pragmatic issues that affect us all, and Kim Rumble, known as the "hormone queen" and expert compounding pharmacist will explore what supplements can make you feel on top of the world!
HURRY, SEATS LIMITED! Go to try booking Women: Sex and Hormones
PS will explore other venues/locations for subsequent talks.....
Can I please be "cheeky" and invite any interested woman over the age of 45 to a great talk early eve on Thurs Oct 10th at 6 for 6.30pm-7.30 pm.
Mosman Art Gallery.
Leading sexologist, Elaine George will talk about some pragmatic issues that affect us all, and Kim Rumble, known as the "hormone queen" and expert compounding pharmacist will explore what supplements can make you feel on top of the world!
HURRY, SEATS LIMITED! Go to try booking Women: Sex and Hormones
PS will explore other venues/locations for subsequent talks.....