
5 things I learned from a 5 day cleanse

Image via Eat Fit Food

Without wanting to get all Gwyneth and Goop on you, the occasional clean food cleanse is truly good for your body, skin, health and head.

I decided to do the Eat Fit Food Five Day Cleanse because I was run down, burnt out, having cereal for dinner and generally not eating nutritionally enough. I’ve done the program several times before and each time I finish feeling energised, clean, inspired and a little bit virtuous.

1) Meals are delivered fresh to your door three times a week. There’s no need to plan your meals, go grocery shopping or cook.

2) It’s delicious. I dream about it when it’s not there.

3) You are never hungry. I don’t like diets so this is crucial for me.

Every time I've done it I learn something new (or am reminded) about food habits. Here are the five things I took away this time around:

 1. Portion tweaks

Even if you’re having a healthy meal, there’s still such a thing as too much food. Switch the bowl or plate you regularly use for a smaller one. Work towards cutting your portions by a third.

2. The 3 x 2 Factor

The program provides three meals and two snacks a day which keeps everything – mood, blood sugar – steady. Snacks are important - very important. Whether it's carrot sticks and hummus, a piece of fruit or a gluten-free muesli bar or cookie, planning your snacks is as important as planning main meals. Snacking wisely stops the 4pm jelly baby, M&M grab.

3. Colour your plate

For five days my meals were free of dairy, wheat, gluten, red meat, unhealthy fats and refined sugars. When you take away the white stuff you’ll be surprised at the rainbow in your bowl. It’s such a good reminder that healthy eating is colourful eating and I’ve kept it up every since I finished the program. Beetroot, pumpkin, peas, squash…vegetables or salad should constitute at least half of your plate. Preferably raw or lightly steamed.

4. Eat more fish

This is just such a no-brainer, and yet I always forget. Fish is a superfood. We live in Australia. There is no excuse. Do it.

5. Just Juice It.

I’m hooked. Drinking a fresh juice every morning is like a hug for your metabolism. My favourite is spinach, lemon and apple.

This post originally appeared on The Joye and has been republished with full permission.

Would you ever try a cleanse?