
How growing your family changes your life.

One kid, two kids, three kids, four…  

We are a family of five. Not by design mind you, more by circumstance. See I am one of those annoying people who has never really planned anything. I was 24 when I had my first child and I have been joyfully freefalling ever since. Somewhere along the way we also acquired two more children, two boys, and we now stand as a family of five. This is considered large by today’s standards.

Yet what does the size of your family say about you? Does only having one child mean that you’ve got it easier? No, I doubt it. One thing I’ve realised is that there is no right or wrong when it comes to family size. There are of course, pros and cons. Let me count the ways.

Bathroom wars are a thing. 

The bathroom of course encompasses the toilet and the general bathing area which all children need to have access to. Thing being, with one child and one toilet, the maths are pretty simple and divisible. Throw in two or more extra children into that mix and sometimes you find you are left with full-blown anarchy.

Pity the person who gets between a 7-year-old and his “sore tummy”. In fact, there might have been an incidence where one child had to go to the toilet where there was in fact, NOT an actual toilet available.

Sharing bedrooms is a mixed bag.

This is often a shared arrangement for many years and let’s face it, the reason so many of us left home as soon as we possibly could.

We're going to need a bigger...

Maybe you never envisioned a life where you drove a mini van or lived in a double-story home with a study although, perhaps you did. Either way, a larger family requires more space. 

What's a Family ticket anyway?

HEY ticket sellers, things have changed, sometimes we are a family of two, sometimes we are the Duggars (pictured, top), accommodate us, yo.

I just want to be alone...

So what about you? Do you think there are advantages or disadvantages coming from a small family unit? Alternatively, are there pros and cons from being born into a larger family? I’d love to hear them.

What are the pros about the size of your family?