
An astonishing make-over. Hands up who wants to see Jodie Marsh from the front?

I like to look at female bodies. I think they’re so much more interesting to look at than male ones – with all due respect to men. Men obviously agree – which is why women are on the cover of both men’s and women’s magazines.

I love the way female bodies come in such extraordinarily different shapes and sizes and that’s why I’ve always felt it’s such a shame that that diversity is so rarely reflected in any type of media.  That’s why whenever I’m at the beach, my eyes are always on stalks…..

…just marveling at how different women can look. Similarly, whenever I come across an image of a woman in the media that IS different (even if it’s confronting or freaky), I stop and look.

So it was with this image a couple of months ago.
And now? It’s Jodie Marsh’s turn to surprise us – and herself. I’m not saying I think this is my ideal – far from it. I just this visually, it’s interesting.

Anyway. Jodie has some very big fake bosoms and now she’s got some very big muscles, muscles that she wants to make even bigger.


In an interview with UK New Magazine, she posed for these shots to show off her new body, her tattoos (she has more than 100) and she talked about how she ‘was soft all over’ before she began hitting the gym six months ago:

‘Within two weeks, I had definition in my stomach,’ she said. ‘As I
saw my body changing, I really liked my muscles and as Tim (her
personal trainer) is a body builder it just went from there.’

Her routine consists of a daily three-mile cross-country walk with her dog. And, she says: ‘sex and dancing in nightclubs’. She also works out at the gym with her trainer two to three times a
week, using a Swiss ball and doing free weights for an hour in total.

And she may even compete on the bodybuilder circuit in the future.

‘I’ve still got loads to go. I might do a bodybuilder competition in August,’ she says.

Jodie also revealed that she is in a new relationship with
23-year-old Ryan Fleming. She was previously seeing her female
hairdresser Nina Elley, 26.