
Behold: 12 engagement rings that won't blow your budget.

“Oh, you’re engaged! Congratulations! Let’s see the ring.”

Engagement news is inevitably followed by questions about the ring. Society dictates it must be expensive, it must be brandished with a big, fat diamond and catch the eye of an entire room before it’s even walked in.

But what if expensive rings really aren’t your thing? What if you’re looking for rings that won’t blow your budget so you can put the extra cash towards the big day?

These options might be just your thing.

Hammered White Gold Engagement ring from Sarah Hood Jewelry on Etsy for AU$1,237.46

Rose Cut Pink Purple Lavender Sapphire from Specimental for AU$802.68

Raw Montana Sapphire from Specimental for AU$1,672.24.

Petite White Gold Twig Engagement Ring from Sarah Hood Jewelry for AU$1,237.46.

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Ruby Halo Ring from CeeMonkeyDo for AU$294.31

Mini Peak Ring with Reverse Set Diamond from MOCIUN for AU$1944.

The Shield Ring Onyx from Bona Drag for AU$1470.

Engagement ring with 0.33 carat diamond from Michael Hill for AU$799.

Pearled Drop Ring from Sarah and Sebastian for AU$240.

Promise ring with diamonds from Michael Hill for AU$299.

Large Stone Ring from Sarah & Sebastian for Au$$1,450.

White Gold Twig Halo Engagement Ring from Sarah Hood Jewellery for AU$2,521.

And if funky engagement rings are your thing, then perhaps a colourful weddings dress might be too. Check out our gallery of colourful wedding dresses for beautifully outside-the-box brides: