There’s a certain type of mother. Some call her the Alpha Mother. Or the Mother Superior.
Inspired by the people who brought you S**t Girls Say, check this video out…
And if you like the first part, here’s another.
Do you know any mothers like this?
Top Comments
That baby in the bath is too cute
What's wrong with strollers? Not enough physical contact? Are you allowed to use them when they get too heavy?
Its the rules that are too rigid, not the motivations being wrong. Everyone gets a little rigid when they're learning new things. Bring back Winnicott and the 'good enough mother' please
I don't often use a stroller, I carry my kids, but I just find it easier. I have a great sling and a great backpack, and this means I have both hands free for dealing with the toddler while knowing the baby is safe and happy. It's handy being able to go up and down stairs, and the baby can see what I see - great for trips to the zoo, but also great for general learning wherever we go.
It also means I tend to put the baby down more often (whenever I can!) and I credit that for her BOSS walking skilz. She is one steady little lady.
I also like the way kids walking out of the stroller can interact with their world, instead of just passively viewing it.
I do, however, use a stroller when I occasionally have to go to the posh shops. Nobody there wants to be bothered by two toddlers! It's about picking the times and places.