
WE KNEW IT: People who constantly correct your typos online are jerks in real life.

It turns out your suspicions about people who constantly correct grammatical errors online are correct.

They’re officially jerks.

And science proves it.

Who’s smarter, cats or dogs? Science has the answer. Post continues after video.

Yes, that’s right – psychologists have found that people who constantly chime in when they see grammatical errors online (the “*you’re” types of the world, for example) have “less agreeable” personalities than those who aren’t bothered.

And people who are super-sensitive to typos? Tests reveal they’re generally less open, and are more likely to be judging you for your mistakes than everyone else.


The research paper, which was published in PLOS One in 2016, was the first time researchers were able to establish a connection between personality traits and how a person responds to typos and grammatical errors online.

The study involved 83 participants who were asked to read email responses to an ad for a housemate, which either contained no errors or had been tampered with to include typos and grammatical mix-ups.

The participants were then asked to judge the person in question on how good a housemate they’d be based on their perceived intelligence, friendliness, and other attributes.

“This is the first study to show that the personality traits of listeners/readers have an effect on the interpretation of language,” lead researcher Julie Boland from the University of Michigan said.


“In this experiment, we examined the social judgments that readers made about the writers.”

After reading and responding to the emails, researchers then asked the participants to complete a personality assessment of themselves – rating where they are on a scale of openness, agreeableness, extraversion/introversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness – as well as general questions about their age, background, and attitude towards language.

Overall, the fictional housemate applicants whose emails were riddled with typos and grammatical errors were rated as worse than those with flawless spelling and grammar. But the study found that certain personality types judged the applicants who made errors much more harshly.

Interestingly, extroverts were generally much more likely to overlook both grammar mix ups and typos, whereas introverts were more likely to judge the applicants negatively because of them.

But there was even a trend on which types of errors rubbed which personality types up the wrong way.

For example, people who tested as being more conscientious but less open were more sensitive to typos, while those with less agreeable personalities found grammatical errors inexcusable.

“Perhaps because less agreeable people are less tolerant of deviations from convention,” the researchers wrote.

While the overall results should be taken with a grain of salt, they couldn’t be explained by the participants’ ages or education, which suggests that personality traits were playing a role.

Until further research is done on the topic, all we can do is take comfort in the fact that typos happen, but it takes a particular type of person to point them out.

(A jerk).