On Wednesday, the Guardian reported that a six-year-old refugee had been the victim of an alleged sexual assault on Nauru.
The girl’s father, who is a refugee from Iran living on the island with his family, says he sought the help of local police after catching the perpetrator — who is also a refugee — in the act.
He hit out at the Nauruan police for failing to arrest or charge the man.
In spite of multiple allegations and documented incidents of attacks on refugees living on Nauru, including refugee women being raped by local men and the abuse of children, no one has ever been charged for any crime.
On New Year’s Day, while Australians were nursing their hangovers, a group of refugee children living in the community gathered in front of a sign which read:
“1/1/2016 Australia is the only country in the world where children’s rights are violated.”
Wearing sloganned t-shirts they chanted:
“It’s not fair, High Court.”
Photos from the protest:
“The children in the community wanted to express their frustration and their tiredness of their lives being put on hold,” refugee advocate Margaret Sinclair told Mamamia (she also provided the images for this post and the video of the protest seen above).
“Life is just as unsafe in the community as it was in the Detention Centre, ” she said.
“Resettlement on Nauru hasn’t given anyone safety or real freedom. It’s unlikely that it ever will.”
Top Comments
What everyone's talking about? You missed this girls. Hundreds of women across Germany and other parts of Europe molested and raped by moslems on New Years Eve.
I too noted the radio silence on this.
Women should have the right to walk at night without being harassed and sexually assaulted. Why is nobody up in arms about it?
Very true. How can we call ourselves feminists, if we ignore the cowardly attacks against women (across the whole EU)???
I think these women's stories are being largely ignored by the media because of the fear of being labelled a bigot for reporting that the perps were migrants. Crime is crime, regardless of who committed it. Women should feel safe, and free to walk around without fearing harassment.
Feminists get very nervous about this, especially fgm as they would rather turn a blind eye to it then be called racist
The men were reportedly drunk, hardly an activity practicing Muslims engage in.That you are comparing a six year old girl being sexually assaulted under our Govt care is frankly unbelievable. That the offender has been identified and that the Naruan police don't act, speaks volumes.
The Police and Govt are doing all they can to arrest the offenders in Germany.
I've read mostly of robbery, groping and assaults. Must've missed the report on mob rape.
Maybe it's just me being weird. Kids under two foot tall wearing placards and chanting political slogans does not sit well with me.