
More bizarre details emerge in the case of the baby found in a drain.



Update: The mother accused of abandoning her baby son in a Sydney drain was ‘very religious’ and the daughter of a church minister in her home country Samoa

According the Daily Mail Australia, relatives of the 30-year-old woman told the Daily Mail that she was the daughter of a Seventh Day Adventist church minister and had moved to Australia around ten years ago.

The woman’s cousin told the Daily Mail that her family had yet to visit her in prison, but speculated that “she couldn’t be doing very well.’

She also said that the woman’s mother and sister were planning to fly from Samoa to see her.

Read the previous report below.

The first pictures have emerged from the moment a newborn baby was rescued from a 2.4m-deep drain in western Sydney.

Baby in the drain: why we urgently need safe drop-off centres.

It took six men including three police officers to lift the concrete slab covering the drain, which weighed over 200kg. Underneath, they found the newborn baby wrapped in a hospital blanket, with a peg still attached to his umbilical cord.

It is believed the little boy had been abandoned in the drain for five days before his miraculous rescue.

Photo: Twitter.


Photos: Twitter.

The release of the photos follow news this morning that the mother of a baby has been allowed to name the little boy. reports that the mother yesterday gave the child a “biblical name” which is associated with one of the most infamous child death cases in Australian history. For legal reasons, the name cannot be given.

A newborn baby boy was found by cyclists dumped inside a Quakers Hill drain, alongside Sydney’s M7. (Photos: AAP/NSW Police)

Yesterday, it emerged that the 30-year-old Samoan woman hid her pregnancy from her family — with the Daily Telegraph reporting the woman broke up with a boyfriend in the early stages of her pregnancy this year and hid it from him

She yesterday appeared in Blacktown Local Court, charged with attempted murder. In court, police said the woman had admitted she put “the less than 24-hour-old baby down a 2.4m drain knowing it may kill the baby”.


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