
What were your BEST & WORST bits of the week?

Best & Worst

Hello weekend. Hello LONG weekend. Our regular look-back at the peaks and troughs of the week has become a virtual tradition at Mamamia and a wonderful way to vent, laugh, cry and peek into the lives of other people. There are births, deaths, marriages, miscarriages, funny little things and big problems. Nothing is too major or minor to share and your anonymity is guaranteed.

My best and worst are both Mamamia-related this week….
BEST: For the first time, this post surpassed 1000 comments this week. 1145 in fact. And not one single comment was deleted which, by website standards, is extraordinary on many levels. When I began Mamamia almost three years ago, I couldn’t have imagined a more clever, honest, funny, warm and nurturing community than the one that has sprung up here. High five.

WORST: In the scheme of things it wasn’t THAT bad (not compared to spending 4 hrs in a hospital waiting room with a child who had a bad tummy ache – all fine now) but it didn’t help to come home at 10:30pm and discover someone was impersonating me on this post and leaving rude comments under my name. Nice one. Apologies to anyone who thought it WAS me and that I was a snarky bitch (I am a snarky bitch sometimes but not around here). The Impersonator will not be bothering us again.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s Best & Worst Dressed Frockwatch and you should also go here to subscribe to the new Mamamia daily newsletter so you can keep up with everything that goes on and not miss any of the fun, games or drama.