
'I spent $15,000 on butt injections'

Thirty-year-old Vanity Wonder – mother of two – has spent $15 000 on black market plastic surgery. For her bottom.

That’s right. Along with bigger boobs, smaller noses and plumper lips – the latest trend in plastic surgery is apparently boosting the size of your booty.

These photos made us wonder if the the world has gone completely mad.

The photos are shocking but at the same time, you can’t help looking. How is it possible to take the quest for a ‘perfect body’ so far and not realise when you’ve crossed the line from attractive to just plain weird?

Not only has this procedure severely distorted Vanity’s body but it has also put her life at risk. Black market plastic surgery is a growing industry in the United States, where the price of accessing a qualified doctor is out of reach for many women who are desperate to look a certain way.

In her new book ‘Shot Girls’, Vanity reveals how she became addicted to injection procedures that have substantially increased the size of her bottom and hips:

Even though I had kicked the drugs, that didn’t mean I was going to kick my appointment to get pumped. It’s not like I was high when I decided that I wanted them, and I saw no harm in getting them. I had always wanted a better body and on top of that, I liked the compliments that I’d got when I was a little thicker.

Vanity Wonder

…I immediately wished it was someone else who was going to get shot with these needles. I mean, I freakin’ HATE needles. I have a hard time getting my blood drawn or getting vaccinated. I wished that someone else could take the pain but I would get the bigger butt. I gave [them] my $500 and took off my pants…

The poke hurt a little but it was nothing compared to the feeling of the liquid flooding into my butt…

… I was allowed to stand up and bend my knees because they were aching from the pain. I looked at my butt in the long mirror that was on the outside of the bathroom. It wasn’t a major improvement but I was happy with the results so far.

Vanity was pleased with the result, but soon decided that it wasn’t enough:

The next morning, I woke up and was more than ready to get the cotton and superglue off of my butt.

I followed the instructions and the cotton came off without incident. I was happy with the results and couldn’t wait to go to work so all the girls could see how good it turned out. When I got there they gave me good compliments and I was happy about the little attention I received. It felt good to get compliments that I never thought I would. Coming from what I had, I was just happy to be there. But yeah, I decided to get more…

Vanity finally stopped getting the butt injections once she began to fear that she would not be around to see her two children grow up. Her story makes you wonder what sort of influences are at play that have made Vanity feel like she needs to increase the size of her behind well beyond natural human proportions. And why didn’t she stop earlier?


Are plastic surgery options becoming too extreme? Can plastic surgery be addictive? What does it say about society, when women feel such pressure to look a certain way that they will resort to life threatening medical procedures?
