
Packing tips. I need some.

A few weeks ago I was packing for a work trip to Melbourne. I was going for a few days and had a number of different meetings and things to do. My packing style is usually this: I think about it in my head for a while before I go and have all sorts of grand plans for capsule wardrobes and streamlined style. Naturally, this all goes to shit quite quickly and I end up frantically shoving things into my bag right up until the taxi beeps outside.

This time, though, I decided it would be different. Taking my cue from the way stylists prepare for fashion shoots, I laid out what I wanted to take and made sure it colour co-ordinated. I added shoes and accessories and I was so pleased, I took this photo to show you:

My capsule wardrobe

The problem? I then got distracted and forgot to actually pack my capsule wardrobe in a suitcase.

This is how it looked 48hrs later, still lying on my floor:

Now I need a Panadol capsule….

So I’m going to need to do some packing again soon and I need help. Got any packing tips? What kind of packer are you?
