
This Wheel of Fortune player just guessed the impossible. Could you have done it?



This guy had 10 seconds to guess one Wheel of Fortune puzzle for a prize of $45,000.

He picked his letters, and only two came up on the entire board. His only clue? That it was a ‘thing’.

Take a look:

Can you guess what it is?

Emil did. He took a random stab in the dark, and the very first guess he blurted out happened to be the right answer.

He literally could not believe that he’d done it. Neither could host Pat Sajak (on right). Both their faces are priceless:

Watch the video here to see if you can guess the answer faster than Emil (HINT: You almost definitely will not).


Side note: Why don’t we have Wheel of Fortune in Australia anymore? That show was amazing.

Side side note: Alright, alright. Just in case you can’t watch the video, the answer was ‘New Baby Buggy’. How in the HELL did he guess that? Seriously?




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