
The fine art of vajazzling. Yes, ART.


Vajazzling is totally old news these days. Like, so 2010.

Back then, Jennifer Love Hewitt was trying to sell movie tickets promote a TV show increase her book sales doing some interviews, and in one she talked about ‘vajazzling’ her vajayjay:

At the time, Mamamia publisher Mia Freedman even wrote a piece on the new practice of decorating one’s lady parts:

When did having a vagina get so high maintenance? Honestly. Is it not enough that it’s not the most reliable organ and is prone to such delights as thrush, cystitis and pap smears? Is it not enough that Brazilians have been inflicted upon us? Laser? Do we now have to decorate our girl parts with jewellery?? It seems we do. With vajazzling, your bits can be red carpet ready faster than you can say bald-as-a-badger.

But 2010 was a long time ago, and the shock at vajazzling has since worn off. The shock turned into acceptance, which turned into mainstream appreciation, which turned into old news and now, finally, art.

Vajazzling has turned into an artform.

Check out this amazing gallery of people who take their vajayjay zhooshing very, very seriously (NSFW, no doy):


Do you vajazzle? Could you be bothered putting in this much effort?