
Remember: Always check your Cornflakes for snakes.

Morning routine: Wake up. Stumble out of bed. Pour snake into cereal bowl. Eat Snakeflakes.

Well, maybe not for everyone. But that is almost what happened to 22-year-old Jarred Smith on Tuesday, when he spotted a giant python curled up in his Cornflakes cereal box in his Sydney home.

Mmmm. Breakfast. Source: Twitter

The snake was a huge diamond python. Diamond pythons kill their food by constricting and suffocating it.

Perhaps this python was trying to kill the Cornflakes inside the box.

Mr Smith and his father called the NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service, so that they could be informed, rescued and educated. The snake was removed by wildlife experts and released in it’s natural habitat, where Cornflakes are a rare commodity.

Other Aussie news: The name ‘Gary’ is about to become extinct. Australians, unite.

Chris McGreal, one of the wildlife heroes of the day, said: “The python was over 2m long and I couldn’t believe it was jammed into this small cereal box. When I got there I actually had to tear the box to get it out, that’s how tightly squeezed in it was. It’s likely it was hiding in there to feel secure.”

Why did the Diamond Python cross the road? Because he’s a huge snake and quick let’s get out of here.

Although the non-venomous snakes don’t bite unless they feel threatened, their bite can be pretty darn harsh – they can even leave their teeth in flesh. Lucky for Mr Smith, he spotted the snake before he poured him into a bowl, tipped milk on him, and ate him with a spoon.

Just another day in Australia, really.
