
John Travolta was The Creepy Uncle at the Oscars. Here's proof.

And the Academy Award for Best Impression Of A Creepy Uncle At A Wedding goes to..

John Travolta.

Grease is the word.

The former Pulp Fiction star is the internet’s new plaything after a gaff-filled Oscars night. And it’s got to be said: he was slimier than a week-old Royale with Cheese.

It all started when he sidled up to Scarlett Johannson for this kiss. Scar-Jo, the porcelain princess that she is, did her best impression of a wax statue at Madame Tussauds during the whole experience.

Scar-Jo goes to her happy place.

Later onstage he fondled Idina Menzel’s chin in an act that may see her nominated next year for “Most Professional Performance under duress”:

It didn’t take long for fans watching online to call it as they saw it.






Then, Reddit erupted with this EPIC Photoshop battle.

Here, he’s just helping a girl out with a little touchup USING HIS MOUTH:

Just a little more…

When one handsy Travolta is not enough, you need multiple Travoltiple.

So many Travoltas

Then they played swapsies. Scar-Jo playing the role of Danny Zucco so well with that hair. And Sandy, why, you’re so pouty!


Then it was John on John, on like Donkey Kong.

Travolta on Travolta

Of course Miley’s tongue showed up, it wouldn’t be a red carpet without it.

She’s just being Miley

And Kanye can’t let an opportunity in the spotlight slide:

Kisses for Kanye

Some were pondering: Is it a Scientology thing? A homage to L.Ron Huggard?

Scientology bros

While this violin playing Travolta trumped all:

Such talent

Within minutes, Travolta went global, snaking around with some love for Liberty:

He’s everywhere

Before photobombing one of the classics:


Scientology teaches that people are immortal beings who have forgotten their true nature. Seems at the 2015 Oscars, JT took that literally.

More Travolta