
'How To Make Me Come'. A tumblr post that is definitely NSFW.

“This is a collection of anonymous essays by women talking about female orgasm.”

That’s the very opening line on this Tumblr page, so you know there’s no beating around the… uh… bush.

How To Make Me Come is descriptive, to say the least. It’s intense. It occasionally makes you giggle like a school girl.

Tee hee hee.

To date, there are over 70 essays on the site. Each essay has it’s own attention-grabbing headline that will keep you clicking for hours. Which of these would you click on?;

“I can’t say for certain when the flip happened – when I finally realised for certain that ‘the frog’ had something to do with sex.”

“If a guy knew the things that got me off, I think he’d run for the hills.”


We’d click on all of them.

Well… sort of.

Most of the posts have a little bit of humour. All of them are enlightening. And all of them are very, very personal.

A recipe for 1-2 orgasms from one anonymous writer begins with the directions that all good recipes start with. First step? “Preheat”. GEDDIT??? Others are more like stories or confessions, such as “my single climactic experience still feels like a dream”.

Sounds delicious.

Some stories begin with childhood experiences:

Whenever I was bored as a kid–and I mean, a REALLY little kid….my mom says I was doing it before I could crawl or express myself with something like, “I’d prefer hentai to this Bambi shit, thanks”—I would rub my knuckle into the fabric covering my crotch. The thicker the better: mere underwear would have me reaching for the nearest stuffed animal to hump like a CareBear molester. I usually came within forty-two seconds, something I once was able to time by seeing if I could get it in before the end of the Indigo Girl’s cover of “Uncle John’s Band” once they got to the final acoustic chorus: “Come on along or go alone, they’ve come to take the children home.”

As you can imagine, I didn’t have very many friends during my early years.

Ladies. If you want to have a giggly over-share with your girlfriends without actually having to contribute (or get out of bed, or call your girlfriends), then click through this site.

Warning: It might be addictive.

Read more:

This woman’s gyno found a cat hairball in her vagina.

VIDEO: 5 tips to having a better orgasm.

People are hailing this vibrator as the fix for orgasm-less sex.


