
A group of men are trying to grow back their foreskins. Really, really hard.

Science has hit new levels of creepy today.

A non-profit organisation called Foregen are doing all they can to help circumcised men grow their foreskins back.

And when we say these men are passionate about regaining their foreskins, we aren’t kidding.

“The idea that I could possibly have my foreskin back fills me with a rush of emotions that I can’t even put in to words. I might then feel like a human being who actually has rights and some control…” Blair, Foregen supporter.

Poor Blair. He feels naked when he’s naked.

Foregen are a bunch of ‘intactivists’, who encourage people to take action en masse by saying no. In this case, NO to circumcision on baby boys.

As the mission statement on their website states, “Foregen’s goal is to heal the physical detriment that is inherent to circumcision… Research undeniably demonstrates the functional and sensory losses to the penis when circumcised, as well as the potential for psychological damage for those on whom such surgery was performed.”

Some statistics taken from the Foregen website.

A sensitive issue indeed.

Somehow, through a little bit of magic, a lot of money, and a buttload of science, Forgen hope that foreskin tissue will be something that can be regenerated. Like when a lizard loses it’s tail. The science has been practised on animals (hopefully, with their permission…) and aims to move to human testing in five years.

More on foreskins: There is another way to get one back.

However, they refuse to use the loads of neonatal foreskin tissue available to them for research purposes, as the very practice of neonatal circumcision goes against their mission statement.

So dead bodies will be used instead. Again, hopefully with their permission.

Good luck, Foregen.

For an extremely dramatic but informative video, watch here. 

