
A good reason why you should always take your microphone off before going to the toilet.

She was trying to make a point, and he pissed all over it. Literally.

A meeting of the Georgetown City Council in Texas, USA, experienced a surprise interlude when an unidentified councillor left the bench to use the bathroom, and forgot to turn off his microphone.

Ms Jonrowe, listening to someone wee.


The city’s Mayor Pro Tem Rachael Jonrowe was talking seriously about infectious diseases when the… uh, sound… started to trickle and flow through the speakers.

Though she did a good job at trying to ignore the waterfall, Ms Jonrowe couldn’t fight the giggles when the flush sound came through.

Read more: This is what the ‘Charlie bit my finger’ kid looks like now. 

Looks like he forgot to wash his hands, too.

