real life

Woman falls into a coma, wakes up with a two-year-old

In 2010, Zhang Rongxiang was newly married and planning a family. Then the Chinese woman from Jiangsu Province was involved in a terrible car accident. Doctors told her husband she would likely not survive. She was in a coma and badly injured.

To their shock they discovered she was in the early stages of pregnancy and the miracle baby had survived the crash. They weren't optimistic though. She was expected to die at any moment. But she clung to life.

The baby continued to grow inside his unconscious mother for five long months. Rongxiang still hadn't woken up from her coma or even stirred when doctors decided to go ahead and deliver her baby via caesarean section. Baby boy Gao Qianbo was born.

It took another two years for his mother to come out of the coma. During that time she was moved back home and released into the care of her family and the community.

She woke up in May this year to the sound of her son's voice. To say doctors were surprised at her recovery is an understatement. The baby's survival was miraculous enough.

This story becomes even more extraordinary when you consider the fact that this little boy spent long stretches of time at his sleeping mother's side and when she did finally wake and lay eyes on her now two-year-old, he learned how to help care for her.

Years in a coma had left Rongxiang's body weak and wasted. The only way she could eat was if food was pureed and blended. Her son learned to chew food in his mouth and then lean forward and feed it to his mother.

Mother and son are happily reunited and making up for lost time. Although Rongxiang remains disabled, she is cared for by her loving family who survive mainly on government assistance and the generosity of the community in which they live.

Images courtesy of Yangtze Evening Post

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