
Naomi Campbell cries for Oprah.

Sometimes, you can really tell that Oprah is totally over her job. At least, the part where she has to interview people whose fame derives from scandal. I thought this when I watched her interviewing that woman who had a baby with former presidential candidate John Edwards while he was married. Journalistically, it was a coup. Everyone would have wanted that interview. In American, it has been huge news.

But personally, you can just see Oprah’s top lip curling just a little as she asks the mistress about The Details of the affair, the baby, the cover-up. In my mind, I could totally see Oprah walking out of that interview after politely shaking hands, calling Gail on her cell phone and saying “I need a shower after that shit.”

After all, she’s been doing this for years and you get the distinct feeling that she’s over it. She wants to focus on more positive aspects of self-help and raising awareness for the things in which she truly believes. Enough with the stupid celebrities who are famous for doing stupid things. Her show may not end until next year but sometimes, you can see that Oprah has already left the building.

And so it is when supermodel and serial phone-thrower Naomi Campbell prances into the Oprah studio for her mea culpa moment. Not Happy Oprah. Obviously, Naomi has something to sell or to promote. Or else she has a new management team who are keen to make-over her image. Stat. And what better way than making a confession to Oprah and having a bit of a cry. Hello Middle America. I’m sorry about the phones.

Oprah can barely stop herself from rolling her eyes when she asks Naomi why she thinks she has the right to physically attack people. Cue tears and psychobabble from Naomi…..

Seriously watch this

And if you can’t take it so seriously (me neither)  – watch this. It’s better.

Got much sympathy for Naomi? Oprah?