
The simple spelling mistake that caught a murderous wife.

One pesky letter. That was her undoing.

A UK woman has been jailed for attempted murder after poisoning her husband on Christmas day last year.

According to Metro, Jacqueline Patrick, from South London, UK laced her husband’s cherry Lambrini with anti-freeze. The husband, Douglas Patrick, was rushed to hospital on Boxing Day. His wife handed paramedics a note that appeared to be from Douglas saying that he did not want to be resuscitated.

(Image: Metro)

The note read:

I Douglas Patrick do not wish to be revived as i would like to die with dignaty with my family by my side thank you


Have you spotted it?

The note spelled misspelled ‘dignity’ as ‘dignaty‘, which in and of itself is not a crime. But the authorities smelled a rat, and when police asked Jacqueline to spell ‘dignity’ out loud, she made the same error.

The police concluded that the letter had been forged, and Douglas Patrick’s poisoning was not an accident or an attempt to take his own life – it was an attempt on his life by his wife.

murder plot spelling mistake
Jacqueline added anti-freeze to two glasses of cherry Lambrini. (Image: Metro)

It was the second such attempt Jacqueline Douglas had made on her husband’s life in a matter of months. She previously added medication to his drink leaving him fighting for life for two-months.

Last month, she pleaded guilty to two counts of attempted murder and is serving both 15 year sentences concurrently. Her daughter Katherine (21), who was charged with inciting another to administer a noxious substance, has been sentenced to three years in prison.

Metro reports Douglas Patrick did not wish to pursue charges against his family, and did not want them to serve jail time.

But maybe he will want to get his own drinks this Christmas.

Think a spelling mistake doesn’t matter? Watch the most hilarious kids’ spelling mistakes below. 

Video via Marko Johns