
Back fat surgery. It’s here.


In a recent interview about how she now WORKS OUT 2-3 HOURS A DAY, Gwyneth Paltrow complained of how hard it was to lose back fat after having her babies. Gwyneth? I hear you.

But I don’t hate my back fat enough to go under the knife. Or the vacuum cleaner.

According to medical reports:

“For many patients—even the very fit ones, such as an aerobics instructor—the upper to mid-line back where
the rolls and bulges form was very frustrating,” said surgeon Dr Joseph Hunstad. “This redundancy of skin occurs generally from aging
and cannot be exercised away. For those who desire to wear form-fitting
outfits, this procedure eliminates the problem.”

During the procedure the redundant skin was removed, sometimes up to 8
or 10 inches wide, and the remaining tissues were connected together.
The whole process takes about an hour and as of now, 20 patients have
gotten the bra-line back lift done.

Isnt’ that great? Yet another procedure targeted to women for something that occurs naturally and with aging. Why aren’t there 101 new ways to cut up men to ‘improve’ their appearance?
What’s next? An operation to make our earlobes more aesthetically pleasing? Oh wait. That already exists……