real life

There are some people you just don’t want to imagine getting jiggy with it. Like your parents. Or Gary Coleman.

Luckily, you don’t have to imagine Gary – Arnold from Different Strokes – doing any sort of horizontal folk-dancing because he wants you to know that he’s not the dancing type. Not even with his new wife who is several decades younger and several feet taller than him.
In fact, Gary has never got jiggy with it. Ever. At all. I am disturbed that this Gary Coleman virginity knowedge is now part of my mental bank of celebrity trivia which is why I thought I should share it with you. Maybe now I can forget it and clear some much-needed space for, like, the names of J-Lo’s new babies which I’ll need to learn any day now.
Click below to watch the truly bizarre clip of Gary and his new wife discussing their love and lack of action. WHY DO CELEBRITIES DO THIS SHIT? Oh, I remember. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
