
Mamamia Out Loud #16: We call bullshit on everything

We’re gonna need some more batteries for the bullshit detector. Because it’s going off.

This week on Mamamia Out Loud, Mia Freedman, Jamila Rizvi and Monique Bowley are detecting bullshit everywhere. From mums who say parenting is easy. To women who buy $900 couture leggings. To people that say breathlessly “all pregnant bodies are beautiful”. And those scientists that say you can eat chocolate cake for breakfast and still lose weight.

Listen to the full episode here:

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Also this week with the sleuths of truth:

  • Why Struggle Street is the most important show of the year.
  • The sex tip that’s actually a pretty good idea.
  • We ask Masterchef to please, just STOP messing with the jaffle.
  • And tell you why we are having trouble believing what’s been promised in the budget.



Finally, we say goodbye to one of the founding members of the podcast team. Sniff.  We will always remember you, Jam, for that one time you called your boss a starfish in bed:

Brave. So very brave.

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And next week, there’s an empty chair. Who would you like to see host?