
Best and Worst: How has your week been so far?

Hello lovely Mamamia readers and welcome to best and worst.

I’m sure you’re all familiar with this segment but for those of you that have been living under a rock, this is how it works.

I’ll kick start the mischief by sharing with you the best and worst parts of my week. And then you can tell me (and by ‘me’ I mean the world wide web) yours.

This is me, waiting in line for dumplings.


But, this week, just to confuse you, I’m going to start with the worst and surprise you with the best.


Picture this. It’s 6:00pm, Tuesday afternoon and it’s been a gruelling first day back at work after the shenanigans that were the Australia Day long weekend. Wanting nothing more than to answer the siren song of my couch, I made my way home eagerly… only to discover a deluge of vomit obstructing my way. It seemed my beloved cat, Thomas O’Malley Meowerson, had endured a worse day than me.

This is Thomas, looking less than impressed with his Christmas present.


Unfortunately my poor little critter has reached the ripe old age of 14 – that’s 98 in human years. With this in mind, I wasted no time and rushed Thomas to the emergency vet.

But, now for the best…


After spending many hours tip-toeing the length of my apartment, back and forth, my vet informed me that T-Cat was doing just fine. After a lengthy stay in hospital (or day spa, I can’t quite decide) Thomas is now back with me on the couch.


Enough from this cat lover. What’s been happening in your world?